Frequently asked questions and answers of RS232 Communication in Embedded System of Electronics Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best RS232 Communication Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download RS232 Communication FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is RS-232?
Answer-1: RS-232 (ANSI/EIA-232 Standard) is the serial connection historically found on IBM-compatible PCs. It is used for many purposes, such as connecting a mouse, printer, or modem, as well as industrial instrumentation.
Question-2. What is the valid signal level of RS-232?
Answer-2: Valid RS-232 signals are either in the range of +3 V to +15 V or the range -3 V to -15 V with respect to the common ground (Figure 1-1). To be more specific, the driver output is Logic 0 when the voltage is between +5 V and +15 V and is Logic 1 when the voltage is between -5 V to -15 V. Received signal voltage level is that Logic 0 works on the received signal voltages up to +3 V to +15 V and Logic 1 works with voltages up to -3 V to -15 V.
Question-3. How to estimate the power dissipation of RS-232?
Answer-3: For a quick estimate is to convert the capacitive load into the equivalent resistance. Before the driver is running out of juice, the power vs. load relation is pretty linear excluding the static power.
Question-4. How to select right capacitor for the charge pumps?
Answer-4: The charge pump needs to work with external flying capacitor and storage capacitor to generate the required voltage from the supply. Since the charge pump can double the supply voltage theoretically, it is recommended that the external capacitors have at least 10V working voltage.
Question-5. Waht is Baud rate in serial transmission?
Answer-5: Baud rate is a speed measurement for communication. It indicates the number of bit transfers per second.
Question-6. What are Data bits?
Answer-6: Data bits are a measurement of the actual data bits in a transmission. When the computer sends a packet of information, the amount of actual data may not be a full 8 bits. Standard values for the data packets are 5, 7, and 8 bits. Which setting you choose depends on what information you are transferring.
Question-7. What do you mean by handshaking of the RS-232 communication?
Answer-7: Handshaking is a way of flow control of the communication in many RS-232 applications, which can be implemented in software or hardware. The main purpose of handshaking is to guarantee successful communication by preventing receiver from overloading. Receivers will let the transmitter device to hold data transmission if they are overloaded.
Question-8. What do you mean by Parity in Serial Communication ?
Answer-8: Parity is a simple form of error checking that is used in serial communication. There are four types of parity: even, odd, marked, and spaced.
Question-9. What is a Stop bit ?
Answer-9: Stop bits are used to signal the end of communication for a single packet. Typical values are 1, 1.5, and 2 bits.
Question-10. What is the charge pump for in RS-232 transceivers?
Answer-10: In modern RS-232 transceivers, only one supply is needed to generate the valid RS-232 signaling. To generate the voltage level higher than the supply, it is common that charge pumps are employed in RS-232 ICs.
Question-11. What is the slew rate and how is it related to the data rate?
Answer-11: In RS-232 standard, the data rate is specified with the slew rate. Slew rate is defined as the change of an edge represented by difference in Voltage /difference in time, while rise time only counts the time of a transition (10% to 90%, or 20% to 80%).
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