Frequently asked questions and answers of UART in Embedded System of Electronics Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best UART Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download UART FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is the Full Form of UART?
Answer-1: Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
Question-2. Which pins are used to connect an external crystal?
Answer-2: The XIN and XOUT pins are used to connect an external crystal. These pins can also connect external clock.
Question-3. Which is the most commonly used UART?
Answer-3: Intel 8250 is a UART which is commonly used.
Question-4. What rate can define the timing in the UART?
Answer-4: The timing is defined by the baud rate in which both the transmitter and receiver are used. The baud rate is supplied by the counter or an external timer called baud rate generator which generate a clock signal.
Question-5. What is UART?
Answer-5: UART is an on-chip peripheral of Microcontroller which can be used for Synchronous and Asynchronous serial communication in which data format and transmission speeds are configurable.
Question-6. What is the Standard Speed of UART ?
Answer-6: The standard Speed of UART is up to 1 Mbps.
Question-7. What is the speed of the 8250 UART?
Answer-7: The 8250 UART has one character buffer for the receiver and the transmitter each, which meant that communications software performed poorly at speed above 9600bits/sec, especially it operating under a multitasking system or if handling interrupts from disk controllers.
Question-8. What is the byte order in UART?
Answer-8: LSB to MSB
Question-9. What is Hyper Terminal?
Answer-9: Hyper Terminal is a communications software (or) Hyper Terminal is a program that you can use to connect to other computers. With Hyper Terminal, the user can connect and transfer files between the two computers.
Question-10. What is a Serial Terminal?
Answer-10: In Computing, a serial port is a serial communication interface through which information Transfers in (or) out sequentially one bit a time.
Question-11. What are the Dis Advantages of UART ?
1)Size of data in the frame is Limited.
2)It is suitable for communication between two devices.
Question-12. What are the different errors in UART ?
Answer-12: UART Errors
Framing error: A framing error occurs when the designated start and stop bits are not found. If the data line is not in the expected state when the stop bit is expected, a framing error will occur.
Underrun error: An Underrun error occurs when the UART transmitter has completed sending a character and the transmit buffer is empty. In asynchronous mode, this is treated as an indication that no data remains to be transmitted.
Overrun error:
Parity error: A parity error occurs when the parity of the number of 1 bit disagrees with that specified by the parity bit. Using parity is optional, so this error will only occur if parity checking has been enabled. Single bit error only can identify, can?t find two or more bits? error
Break condition: A break condition occurs when the receiver input is at the space level for longer than some duration of time, typically, for more than a character time. You need to set a break to detect interruptions in registers. Setting this bit enables the SCI to generate an error interrupt if a break condition is detected on the SCIRX pin.
Question-13. What are the advantages of UART ?
Only two wires interface.
No clock signal is necessary.
Error checking Feature allows: Has a parity bit check
The structure of the data packet can be changed as long as both sides are set up for it
Widely Used method and well documented
Question-14. Name some UART devices ?
Question-15. Name all the UART Interrupts ?
Transmitter Interrupt
Receiver Interrupts
Wakeup Interrupts
Error Interrupts (Parity errors (PE), Frame errors (FE), Break Detect errors (BRKDT), Overrun errors (OE), Bit errors (BE))
Question-16. Is UART which transmission mode exist; Half Duplex (or) Full Duplex ?
Answer-16: Full Duplex
Question-17. How many wires are used in UART Communication?
Answer-17: UART is two wired protocol.
1)TxD(Transmit Data)
2)RxD(Receive Data)
Question-18. How is data detected in a UART?
Answer-18: The data can be detected by the local clock reference which is generated from the baud rate generator.
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