Frequently asked questions and answers of Who Did Patrick’s Homework in Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose of NCERT CBSE to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Who Did Patrick’s Homework Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Who Did Patrick’s Homework FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
Answer-1: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. But in reality, it was a very small sized man, an elf.
Question-2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?
Answer-2: The little man granted Patrick a wish as Patrick had saved his life from the cat.
Question-3. What was Patrick's wish?
Answer-3: Patrick hated doing homework. So he ade a wish that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session.
Question-4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick's homework?
Answer-4: The little man was weak in Maths, English and History. So, he needed Patrick's help in these subjects
Question-5. How did Patrick help the little man in doing homework?
Answer-5: Patrick sat beside the little man and guided him to do homework. Moreover, he brought books from library and read out to him.
Question-6. Who do you think did Patrick's homework - the little man, or Patrick himself?
Answer-6: It was Patrick himself who actually did all the homework. Because he had to assist the elf again and again with guidance and books
Question-7. ?I?ll do it.? What did the Elf agree to do?
Answer-7: To do homework
Question-8. Patrick was out of luck in which subject?
Answer-8: In Maths.
Question-9. What advice did his teacher give him?
Answer-9: To do the homework
Question-10. What did he feel sometimes?
Answer-10: That he was a fool
Question-11. What did Patrick ask the elf to do?
Answer-11: Patrick ask the elf to do his homework.
Question-12. What did Patrick discover after seeing the doll?
Answer-12: Patrick discovered a man of the tiniest size
Question-13. What did Patrick like to do instead of studies?
Answer-13: To Play games
Question-14. What did the little man say to Patrick?
Answer-14: The little man asked Patrick to save him from cat.
Question-15. What did the little man?s problem?
Answer-15: He could not understand the subjects
Question-16. What is meant by A?s?
Answer-16: Top grading
Question-17. What job was the elf doing?
Answer-17: Elf was doing Patrick?s homework.
Question-18. What was Patrick?s attitude to his studies?
Answer-18: Patrick?s does not have interest in the studies.
Question-19. What was the cat playing with?
Answer-19: The cat was playing with a little doll.
Question-20. Which word in the passage you find to mean shouted?
Answer-20: Yelled
Question-21. Who had done the homework ultimately?
Answer-21: Patrick
Question-22. Who quietly slipped out the back door?
Answer-22: Elf
Question-23. Who smiled and praised Patrick?
Answer-23: Patrick?s teachers
Question-24. Why was elf doing homework for Patrick?
Answer-24: Because Patrick once saved the elf from a cat
Question-25. Why was the little elf a nag?
Answer-25: Elf was asking for help again and again
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Who Did Patrick’s Homework
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Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions with Answers
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