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Question-1. What is vernier calipers?
Answer-1: It is simple instrument by which length of an object can be measured accurately up to one-tenth of a millimeter or one-hundredth of a centimeter.
Question-2. Why is the vernier calipers so called?
Answer-2: A French mathematician named Pierre Vernier invented it and it is named after him.
Question-3. What is the principle of Vernier Calipers?
Answer-3: A scale cannot measure objects which are smaller than 1mm but a vernier caliper can measure objects up to 1mm. As already known the vernier caliper has two scales: the main scale and the vernier scale together this arrangement is used to measure very small lengths like 0.1mm.
Question-4. What is least count (L.C.) in Vernier calipers?
Answer-4: Least count is the smallest length that can be measured with the instrument and it is equal to the difference between a main scale division and a vernier scale division. L.C. of vernier scale = 0.01 cm or 0.1 mm.
Question-5. What is the unit of vernier scale?
Answer-5: Vernier scale does not own any unit.
Question-6. How the L.C. of a vernier is determined?
Answer-6: Least count of vernier scale is determined by using the relation: L.C. = (Smallest division on Main Scale ) / (Total number of divisions on Vernier Scale)
Question-7. Which part of the vernier calipers is the vernier scale?
Answer-7: The sliding scale along the main scale is called vernier scale.
Question-8. Name The Various Parts Of A Vernier Caliper?
Answer-8: The various parts of vernier caliper are: Main scale or beam, Fixed jaw, Movable jaw, Vernier scale, Fine adjusting unit, Locking screws, Fine adjusting screw, Inner measuring nibs, Depth gauge.
Question-9. Will the accuracy of a vernier will increase or decrease if 20 divisions are made in the same length
Answer-9: The accuracy will increase since the L.C. will decrease i.e. Accuracy = 1 / Least count.
Question-10. What is meant by zero error (Z.E.)?
Answer-10: The error which arises when zeros of M.S. and V.S. do not coincide upon joining the two jaws.
Question-11. When Z.E. is positive?
Answer-11: The Z.E. is positive when the zero of V.S. is to the right of the zero of M.S.
Question-12. How we find the corrected reading?
Answer-12: Corrected reading = Meaning reading ? ( + Z.E.)
Question-13. Name the instruments in which vernier caliper is used most commonly?
Answer-13: Verniew caliper is commonly used in microscopes, telescopes, sextant, polarimeter, etc.
Question-14. The least count of a vernier is 0.001 cm. What is the order upto which it can measure length accurat
Answer-14: It can measure accurately up to 10-3 cm.
Question-15. Which is the instrument you will use to measure the internal and external diameter of a tube?
Answer-15: Vernier calipers.
Question-16. What is the meaning of Vernier Reading?
Answer-16: Vernier reading is the smallest measurable distance captured by a Vernier caliper. It is also termed as "Resolution" of the Vernier caliper. Imperial Vernier calipers have a resolution of 0.001 inches. The resolution of metric Vernier calipers varies from 0.02mm to 0.05mm. The resolution is normally indicated at the end of the Vernier scale.
Question-17. What is the value of least count of Vernier calipers?
Answer-17: The least count of vernier caliper is 0.01cm.
Question-18. Why we use verniew calipers?
Answer-18: It is used to measure the inner diameter of a solid sphere, outer diameter of a solid sphere and the depth of a cylinder.
Question-19. What is a vernier scale?
Answer-19: A vernier scale slides on a strip. It can be fixed on any position by the retainer. On the vernier scale, generally 0.9 cm is divided into ten equal parts.
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