Frequently asked questions and answers of USA in Countries of World to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best USA Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download USA FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. 16 national parks are in which two states of the USA?
Answer-1: Alaska and California
Question-2. Croatia is almost the same size in land as
Answer-2: West Virginia
Question-3. Denali, the highest US mountain, is in
Answer-3: Alaska
Question-4. MIT is a famous university in
Answer-4: Massachusetts
Question-5. Mount Rushmore is in
Answer-5: South Dakota
Question-6. The biggest US state is
Answer-6: Alaska
Question-7. The Missouri is the longest US
Answer-7: river
Question-8. The most populous US state is
Answer-8: California
Question-9. In USA, the Rocky Mountains are
Answer-9: in the west
Question-10. The smallest US state is
Answer-10: Rhode Island
Question-11. The State of Virginia was named after Queen
Answer-11: Elizabeth I
Question-12. The US national bird symbol is
Answer-12: an eagle
Question-13. Thomas Jefferson was
Answer-13: the third US president
Question-14. What is the biggest town in the USA?
Answer-14: New York
Question-15. What is the capital of California?
Answer-15: Sacramento
Question-16. What is the capital of the USA?
Answer-16: Washington DC
Question-17. What is the flag of the USA called?
Answer-17: Stars and Stripes
Question-18. What is the highest mountain in the USA?
Answer-18: Mount McKinley
Question-19. What is the hottest place in the USA?
Answer-19: Death Valley
Question-20. What is the largest lake in den USA?
Answer-20: Lake Superior
Question-21. When is Independence Day in the USA?
Answer-21: 4-Jul
Question-22. Where is Alcatraz?
Answer-22: In San Francisco Bay
Question-23. Where is Ellis Island?
Answer-23: In New York Habor
Question-24. Which of these cities is the smallest?
Answer-24: Washington, D.C
Question-25. Which state of the USA is called Sunshine State?
Answer-25: Florida
Question-26. Which university is not The Ivy League?
Answer-26: Stanford
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on USA
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USA Questions with Answers
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