Frequently asked questions and answers of Transmission Lines in Current Electricity of Electrical Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Transmission Lines Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Transmission Lines FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is a transmission line?
Answer-1: A transmission line is a system of conductors used to transmit electrical signals or power from one point to another.
Question-2. What are the primary components of a transmission line?
Answer-2: The primary components of a transmission line are conductors (wires or cables) and insulators to support and protect the conductors.
Question-3. What is the purpose of transmission lines in electrical engineering?
Answer-3: Transmission lines are used to transmit electrical power over long distances with minimal loss and distortion.
Question-4. What factors influence the performance of transmission lines?
Answer-4: Factors influencing transmission line performance include the line length, conductor material, insulation, frequency, and environmental conditions.
Question-5. What is the characteristic impedance of a transmission line?
Answer-5: The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is the impedance that the line appears to have when measured from its input or output terminals under specific conditions.
Question-6. How is the characteristic impedance of a transmission line determined?
Answer-6: The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is determined by its geometry, conductor spacing, and the properties of the insulating material.
Question-7. What is the significance of matching the characteristic impedance in transmission lines?
Answer-7: Matching the characteristic impedance minimizes signal reflections and maximizes power transfer efficiency along the transmission line.
Question-8. What are the common types of transmission lines used in practice?
Answer-8: Common types of transmission lines include coaxial cables, microstrip lines, stripline, and waveguides.
Question-9. What is the skin effect in transmission lines?
Answer-9: The skin effect is the tendency of high-frequency alternating currents to flow near the surface of a conductor, reducing the effective cross-sectional area available for current flow.
Question-10. How does the skin effect affect the performance of transmission lines?
Answer-10: The skin effect increases the effective resistance of the conductor, leading to increased power loss and attenuation in high-frequency transmission lines.
Question-11. What is the purpose of impedance matching networks in transmission lines?
Answer-11: Impedance matching networks are used to ensure maximum power transfer between the transmission line and the load by adjusting the impedance levels.
Question-12. What is propagation delay in transmission lines?
Answer-12: Propagation delay is the time it takes for a signal to travel from one end of the transmission line to the other.
Question-13. How is propagation delay related to the velocity of propagation in transmission lines?
Answer-13: Propagation delay is inversely proportional to the velocity of propagation in the transmission line. A higher velocity of propagation results in lower propagation delay.
Question-14. What is the significance of transmission line termination?
Answer-14: Transmission line termination prevents signal reflections and ensures signal integrity by matching the characteristic impedance of the transmission line to the load impedance.
Question-15. What are standing waves in transmission lines?
Answer-15: Standing waves are the result of signal reflections that occur when a transmission line is not properly terminated or when there is a mismatch between the line impedance and the load impedance.
Question-16. How are transmission lines modeled in electrical circuit analysis?
Answer-16: Transmission lines are modeled using lumped element circuit models or distributed parameter models, depending on the frequency and length of the line.
Question-17. What are the limitations of lumped element models for transmission lines?
Answer-17: Lumped element models are accurate only at low frequencies or over short transmission lines where distributed effects can be neglected.
Question-18. What are the key parameters used to characterize transmission lines?
Answer-18: Key parameters used to characterize transmission lines include characteristic impedance, attenuation, propagation delay, and velocity of propagation.
Question-19. How do transmission lines contribute to signal distortion and attenuation?
Answer-19: Transmission lines introduce signal distortion and attenuation due to losses, impedance mismatches, dispersion, and reflections.
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