Frequently asked questions and answers of The Banyan Tree in Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose of NCERT CBSE to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best The Banyan Tree Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download The Banyan Tree FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. How did the cobra react?
Answer-1: Attacked the mongoose
Question-2. What did he see one afternoon?
Answer-2: Battle between ciow and myna
Question-3. When the boy started to bring him pieces of cake and biscuit, the squirrel
Answer-3: became quite bold and soon started taking morsels from the author's hand.
Question-4. What did the narrator give to the squirrel to eat?
Answer-4: Cakes and biscuits
Question-5. Which two birds were there to see the fight?
Answer-5: Crow and myna
Question-6. What did the mongoose do with the dead snake?
Answer-6: Dragged it in the bushes
Question-7. The small gray squirrel became friendly when
Answer-7: he found that the boy was not armed with either a catapult or air-gun.
Question-8. What did the mongoose do then?
Answer-8: He grabbed the cobra by its neck
Question-9. Where did the cobra carry poison?
Answer-9: In bag behind its long pointed teeth
Question-10. Where was his first friend live?
Answer-10: In the banyan tree
Question-11. What happened to the crow in the end?
Answer-11: In the end, the crow had been flung for nearly twenty feet across the garden. It happened due to the blow from the cobra's snout. The crow fluttered about for a while, but then lay still.
Question-12. The banyan tree served the boy as a
Answer-12: library
Question-13. Who moved forward?
Answer-13: Mongoose
Question-14. Who was termed a superb fighter, clever and aggressive?
Answer-14: Mongoose
Question-15. Where did the narrator build a platform for himself?
Answer-15: On banyan tree
Question-16. Where did the mongoose bite the snake?
Answer-16: On the back
Question-17. What did he do on the banyan tree?
Answer-17: Read books
Question-18. Who was a skilful and experienced fighter?
Answer-18: Snake
Question-19. Who was growing weak?
Answer-19: Snake
Question-20. Whom did he (the narrator) make his first friend?
Answer-20: Squirrel
Question-21. The old banyan tree ?did not belong? to grandfather, but only to the boy, because
Answer-21: the grandfather was no longer able to climb it as he was sixty-five years old.
Question-22. What did the myna do finally?
Answer-22: The Myna finally dropped carefully to the ground, hopped and peered into the bushes keeping a safe distance. It then flew away with a shrill cry of congratulations.
Question-23. How long was the mongoose?
Answer-23: Three feet long
Question-24. What did the mongoose pretend?
Answer-24: To move to one side
Question-25. How did he pass his time when not reading a book?
Answer-25: Watched the world below
Question-26. The young boy spent his afternoons in the tree
Answer-26: when it was not too hot
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on The Banyan Tree
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