Frequently asked questions and answers of Switzerland in Countries of World to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Switzerland Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Switzerland FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is the National Day of Switzerland?
Answer-1: 1-Aug
Question-2. How many sovereign states are there in Switzerland?
Answer-2: 26 Cantons
Question-3. What is the area code for Switzerland?
Answer-3: 41
Question-4. What is the city capital of Switzerland an European country?
Answer-4: Bern
Question-5. What is the headquarter of the Red Cross International Committee?
Answer-5: Geneva
Question-6. What is the largest city on the river Rhine?
Answer-6: Cologne, Germany
Question-7. What is the largest Swiss city by area & by population?
Answer-7: Zurich
Question-8. What is the longest rail tunnel in the world?
Answer-8: Gotthard Base tunnel, Switzerland
Question-9. What is the major language most widely spoken by 65% of total Swiss people?
Answer-9: German
Question-10. What is the official language of Switzerland?
Answer-10: Four official languages
Question-11. What is the Swiss origin longest river that touches the land of Austria, Germany, France, Netherland
Answer-11: Rhine
Question-12. What is the year of Switzerland’s joining the League of Nations?
Answer-12: 1920
Question-13. When did Switzerland become a country?
Answer-13: In 1291
Question-14. When the national flag of Switzerland officially adopted?
Answer-14: In 1889
Question-15. When was the Swiss constitution originally written?
Answer-15: In 1848
Question-16. Where is the headquarter of European Nuclear Research Organisation(CERN)?
Answer-16: Geneva
Question-17. Which country is going to host 2026 Winter Olympics?
Answer-17: Switzerland
Question-18. Which European country hosted the 1954 FIFA World Cup?
Answer-18: Switzerland
Question-19. Which nation defeated Switzerland in 1798?
Answer-19: France
Question-20. Which Swiss city has the second-largest office of the United Nations?
Answer-20: Geneva
Question-21. Which Swiss person won 1919 Nobel Prize in literature?
Answer-21: Carl Spitteler
Question-22. Which world famous Swiss player won a record of 18 Grand Slam Singles Titles?
Answer-22: Roger Federer
Question-23. Who is the world famous Swiss personality became the eighth FIFA President from 1998-2015?
Answer-23: Sepp Blatter
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