Frequently asked questions and answers of Sonometer in Optics of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Sonometer Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Sonometer FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is a sonometer?
Answer-1: It is an instrument which is used to study the vibrations produced by vibrating strings. It is also called monochord.
Question-2. Why is sonometer so called?
Answer-2: Because it enables us to measure the frequency of vibrating body producing sound.
Question-3. Why does string of sonometer vibrate?
Answer-3: When the vibrating tuning fork is kept on the board of sonometer, the forced vibrations of the board communicate energy to string which in turn is set into forced vibrations.
Question-4. Give the unit of frequency?
Answer-4: Hertz (Hz).
Question-5. Give the relation between time period and frequency
Answer-5: n = 1/T where n is the frequency and T is the time period.
Question-6. Define time period?
Answer-6: Time taken by a body to complete one vibration is called its time period.
Question-7. What is frequency?
Answer-7: The number of vibrations produced by a vibrating body in one second is called its frequency.
Question-8. Define wavelength?
Answer-8: It is the distance travelled by a wave in a time during which any particle of the medium completes its one vibration.
Question-9. What is the distance between two consecutive nodes or antinodes?
Answer-9: It is equal to the half of wavelength (?/2).
Question-10. What are antinodes?
Answer-10: There are the points on the stationery waves where the displacement is maximum and strain is zero.
Question-11. What are nodes?
Answer-11: Nodes are those points in the stationary waves where the particles are permanently at rest and strain is maximum.
Question-12. What are stationery waves?
Answer-12: When to identical waves of same frequency and same amplitude travelling in a medium in a straight line but in opposite direction, they superimpose to each other and give rise a stationery wave.
Question-13. What types of waves are produced in the wire?
Answer-13: Transverse stationary waves
Question-14. What is wave motion?
Answer-14: It is a form of disturbance which travels through the medium due to the repeated periodic motion of the particles of the medium about their mean position.
Question-15. What are the types of wave motion?
Answer-15: There are two types of wave motions:
1. Transverse wave motion
2. Longitudinal wave motion
Question-16. What u meant by Progressive wave ?
Answer-16: A disturbance created in an elastic medium propagates outwards in an elastic medium in the form of a wave, is called progressive wave.
Question-17. How many types of progressive waves are there?
Answer-17: Progressive waves are of two types and they are:
(1) Transverse waves
(2) Longitudinal waves.
Question-18. Difference between transverse wave and longitudinal wave?
Answer-18: In a transverse wave the particle vibrate perpendicularly where as in longitudinal wave the particle vibrate parallelly with respect to the direction of propagation of a wave.
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