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Question-1. What is Schmitt Trigger?
Answer-1: Schmitt trigger is a type of comparator which uses positive feedback. Schmitt trigger convert an sinusoidal signal to a square wave signal.
Question-2. What are the main applications of Schimitt Trigger?
Answer-2: Schimitt trigger is mainly used in Squaring circuit (where a noisy signal requires squaring up), in Sine-to-Square comparator, in Amplitude comparator, in Level detector, in Oscillator i.e. bistable multivibrator, relaxation oscillator etc
Question-3. Define hysteresis action?
Answer-3: The voltage difference between UTP and LT represented by loop width is called hysteresis Voltage.
Question-4. Who invented Schmitt Trigger?
Answer-4: The Schmitt trigger was invented by American scientist Otto H. Schmitt in 1934. By that time, Otto Schmitt was a student. In the year 1937, he published his invention in his doctoral. The name he gave was thermionic trigger.
Question-5. Why Schmitt Trigger is called a squaring circuit?
Answer-5: Schmitt Trigger is called squaring circuit because irrespective of inut signal it produces square wave.
Question-6. Define UTP?
Answer-6: The upper triggering point is defined as the input voltage at which the transistor Q1 just enters into conduction.
Question-7. Define LTP?
Answer-7: The lower triggerinf point is defined as the input voltage at which the transistor Q2 just resumes conduction.
Question-8. How many types of Schmitt trigger are used?
Answer-8: There are two types Schmitt trigger used:
Inverting Schmitt trigger: In this, there is 180o phase shift between input and output.
Non-inverting Schmitt trigger: In this, the input and output are both high / both low at the same time (no phase shift).
Question-9. What is the difference between a Binary and Schmitt Trigger?
Answer-9: Schmitt trigger differs from binary in that the coupling from the outut of second stage to the input of first stage is missing and the feedback is obtained now through a common emitter resistance RE
Question-10. A Schmitt trigger exhibits hysteresis when loop gain is?
Answer-10: Greater than one.
Question-11. what do you mean by threshold voltage of Schmitt trigger?
Answer-11: The input voltage of Schmitt trigger for which the Schmitt trigger changes their output is called threshold voltage.
Question-12. How noise can be eliminated on a given signal using Schmitt Trigger?
Answer-12: Noise can be eliminating by rendering the loop gain of the circuit to precisely unity.
Question-13. Explain how a Schmitt Trigger converts a sine wave to a square wave?
Answer-13: If a sine wave of amplitude larger than the UTP is fed to a Schmitt trigger, whenever the input rises to V1, the output jumps to V1 and remains at its upper level V1 till the input falls to V2. The output remains at its lower level V2 till the input rises to V1.
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