Frequently asked questions and answers of Resonance Tube in Optics of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Resonance Tube Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Resonance Tube FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Define time period
Answer-1: It is the time required to complete one vibration or oscillation. It is reciprocal of frequency and measured in seconds.
Question-2. What is resonance?
Answer-2: Resonance is a phenomenon in which there is a marked increase in the amplitude of a vibrating, body by the influence of a second vibrating body having the same time period as the first.
Question-3. What is an echo?
Answer-3: Echo is the effect produced when sound wave is reflected on striking a solid obstacle like wall or rock.
Question-4. What type of waves are produced in the air column?
Answer-4: Longitudinal or compressional stationary waves.
Question-5. An open end is a node or antinode?
Answer-5: An antinode.
Question-6. Is there a node or antinode at the close end of water level?
Answer-6: A node.
Question-7. Where resonance is produced?
Answer-7: In the air column.
Question-8. Can you call it an organ pipe?
Answer-8: Yes, a closed organ pipe.
Question-9. What is an organ pipe?
Answer-9: The organ pipes are wind pipes in which the air column resonates.
Question-10. What is sound?
Answer-10: Physically the compressional waves produced in a material medium. Psychologically the sensation or hearing produced in the brain.
Question-11. What is the relation between the velocity of sound and the temperature?
Answer-11: Velocity of Sound (V) is directly proportional to square root of teperature (T). For 1oC rise of temperature the velocity of sound increases by 0.6 m/s.
Question-12. What is meant by end-correction?
Answer-12: The distance between the open of the tube and the antinode at the position of tunning fork.
Question-13. How can you find the end correction (E)?
Answer-13: By using the relation E = 0.3 d
Where d is the internal diameter of the tube.
Question-14. What is the fundamental frequency ?
Answer-14: The minimum frequency that can produce resonance.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Resonance Tube
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