Frequently asked questions and answers of Planks Constant in Universe of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Planks Constant Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Planks Constant FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What Does Planck's constant represent?
Answer-1: Planck's Constant represents the Photon Potential Energy. Planck's Energy, E= is the key to Planck's constant.
Question-2. What is Photo-electric effect?
Answer-2: Photo electric effect is a process where electron are ejected from a surface by the action of light (Electromagnetic Radiation)
Question-3. What is the unit of Planck's constant?
Answer-3: The unit is Joule-second.
Question-4. What is the relation between energy of photon and its wavelength?
Answer-4: A photon is characterized by either a wavelength, denoted by λ or equivalently an energy, denoted by E. There is an inverse relationship between the energy of a photon (E) and the wavelength of the light (λ) given by the equation:
E = hc/λ
Question-5. If the frequency of light increases will the energy increase or decrease?
Answer-5: As the frequency of electromagnetic radiation increases, the energy of each photon increases. These quantities are directly proportional; within a constant (Planck's constant).
Question-6. What is the law of photoelectric emission?
Answer-6: Laws of Photoelectric Effect:
Question-7. How wavelengths of light affect the production of photo electron?
Answer-7: Light of shorter wavelength is more effective in producing photo- electrons than light of longer wavelength.
Question-8. What is Plank's constant?
Answer-8: It is the constant of proportionality relating the energy of a photon to the frequency of that photon. Its value is approximately 6.626 ? 10-34 joule-second. Its symbol is h.
Question-9. Describe the importance of Planck's constant.
Answer-9: Planck's constant is important for several reasons: it defines the quanta (minimum amount) for the energy of light and therefore also the energies of electrons in atoms. It also factors into something called the Uncertainty Principle.
Question-10. When photoelectrons are emitted from a metallic surface?
Answer-10: Photoelectrons are emitted from a metallic surface only when the incident light has more than a certain minimum frequency.
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