Frequently asked questions and answers of Parallel elements & Current Division in Current Electricity of Electrical Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Parallel elements & Current Division Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Parallel elements & Current Division FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is the primary purpose of using parallel elements in an electrical circuit?
Answer-1: The primary purpose of using parallel elements in an electrical circuit is to divide the total current flowing in the circuit into multiple paths.
Question-2. How do you calculate the total resistance of a parallel circuit?
Answer-2: To calculate the total resistance of a parallel circuit, you must use the formula: 1/RTotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ... + 1/Rn, where R1 through Rn represent the resistance of each individual resistor.
Question-3. How does the total resistance of a parallel circuit compare to the individual resistances?
Answer-3: The total resistance of a parallel circuit is less than the smallest individual resistance.
Question-4. Define current division in a parallel circuit.
Answer-4: Current division in a parallel circuit refers to the distribution of the total current among the individual branches based on their conductance or impedance.
Question-5. How do you calculate the total current in a parallel circuit?
Answer-5: To calculate the total current in a parallel circuit, you must use the formula: ITOTAL = I1 + I2 + I3 + ... + In, where I1 through In represent the current flowing through each individual branch of the circuit.
Question-6. What happens to the total current in a parallel circuit when additional branches are added?
Answer-6: If additional branches are added to a parallel circuit, the total current in the circuit will increase.
Question-7. How is the voltage across each resistor in a parallel circuit determined?
Answer-7: The voltage across each resistor in a parallel circuit is determined by the voltage supplied to the circuit and the resistance of each individual resistor.
Question-8. Can the voltage division rule be applied to a parallel circuit with capacitors?
Answer-8: Yes, the voltage division rule can be applied to any type of circuit that has multiple elements in parallel, whether they are resistors or capacitors.
Question-9. What happens to the total resistance of a parallel circuit if one of the branches is short-circuited
Answer-9: If one of the branches of a parallel circuit becomes short-circuited, the total resistance of the circuit will decrease, and the total current flowing in the circuit will increase.
Question-10. How does the total current in a parallel circuit change if the voltage supplied to the circuit is in
Answer-10: If the voltage supplied to a parallel circuit is increased, the total current flowing in the circuit will increase, assuming that the resistance of the circuit remains the same.
Question-11. How does the total current in a parallel circuit change if the resistance of one of the branches is
Answer-11: If the resistance of one of the branches in a parallel circuit is decreased, the current flowing through that particular branch will increase, but the total current in the circuit will remain the same.
Question-12. How does the total current in a parallel circuit change if one of the branches is opened?
Answer-12: If one of the branches in a parallel circuit is opened, the current flowing through that particular branch will be interrupted, but current will still flow through the other branches of the circuit, resulting in an overall decrease in the total current.
Question-13. How does the total power in a parallel circuit compare to the power dissipated in each individual re
Answer-13: The total power in a parallel circuit will always be equal to the sum of the power dissipated in each individual resistor.
Question-14. How can you calculate the total capacitance of capacitors in parallel?
Answer-14: The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is equal to the sum of their individual capacitances.
Question-15. Describe the behavior of capacitors in a parallel circuit.
Answer-15: Capacitors in a parallel circuit behave as though they are a single capacitor with a total capacitance equal to the sum of the individual capacitances.
Question-16. How does the total capacitance of capacitors in parallel compare to individual capacitances?
Answer-16: The total capacitance of capacitors in parallel is greater than the largest individual capacitance.
Question-17. What is the formula for calculating total capacitance in a parallel circuit?
Answer-17: The formula for calculating total capacitance in a parallel circuit is Ctotal=C1+C2+…+Cn?, where Ctotal? is the total capacitance and C1,C2 ,…, Cn? are the individual capacitances.
Question-18. Explain how current is distributed among branches in a parallel circuit.
Answer-18: Current in a parallel circuit is distributed among branches inversely proportional to their resistances or impedances.
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