Frequently asked questions and answers of Notepad in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Notepad Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Notepad FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Describe notepad?
Answer-1: Notepad is an accessory program supplied with windows.It is meant to operate upon small ASCII files. As notepad reads and stores ASCIIfiles and does not need or use formatting character in the text it is suitable files editing of unformatted text such as CONFIG SYS.Notepad files can be read in any word processor and so it needs no conversion at all.
Question-2. Describe option Page-setup?
Answer-2: The option page setup under the file menu may be used to set margins & specify the header & footer.
Question-3. Describe the Word ?Wrap?
Answer-3: Normally selecting word wrap is the best thing. What this does is when enable, when typing in Notepad comes to the right side of the page, the words will wrap and start on the next line without having to hit the Enter key.
Question-4. How do I go to a specific line in a Notepad document?
Answer-4: You can go to a specific line in a Notepad document even if the document does not display line numbers. Lines are counted down the left margin beginning at the top of the document.
1. Click the Edit menu, and then click Go To.
2. In the Line Number box, type the line number you want the cursor to jump to, and then click OK.
Question-5. How do I print a Notepad document?
Answer-5: Follow the steps to print a notepad document:
1. Click the File menu, and then click Print.
2. Click the General tab, select the printer and options you want, and then click Print.
Question-6. How to add date time in notepad?
Answer-6: We may want to add the time/date to a file for this
1. Position the insertion point where we want the time/date.
2. Choose edit -> Time/date or press f5.
Question-7. How to search any text in a notepad?
Answer-7: Notepad allows searching for a string of text using the search menu option.To search foe same text. Choose search -> Find
Question-8. How to start notepad?
Answer-8: To start notepad select the notepad icon in the accessories group. This will bring up a screen which has an edit area and a menu bar. We may start entering our text right away or may open an existing file, which we wish to edit using the software.
Question-9. What are the major features supported in windows Notepad?
Answer-9: The major features supported in windows Notepad are:
1. Edit of ASCII text files.
2. Inclusion of date and time at any desired location in the text.
3. Inclusion of ?log? data.
4. Simple formatting and printing.
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