Frequently asked questions and answers of Norton's Theorem in Current Electricity of Electrical Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Norton's Theorem Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Norton's Theorem FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is Norton's theorem?
Answer-1: Norton's theorem states that any linear electrical network with multiple sources and resistors can be replaced by a single current source in parallel with a single resistor.
Question-2. When would you use Norton's theorem?
Answer-2: Norton's theorem is useful for simplifying complex circuits, especially when analyzing circuits with multiple sources and resistors.
Question-3. Can Norton's theorem be applied to nonlinear circuits?
Answer-3: No, Norton's theorem is only applicable to linear electrical networks.
Question-4. Can Norton's theorem be applied to circuits with capacitors and inductors?
Answer-4: No, Norton's theorem is limited to resistive networks. It cannot be applied directly to circuits containing capacitors and inductors.
Question-5. Can Norton's theorem be applied to AC circuits?
Answer-5: Yes, Norton's theorem can be applied to both DC and AC circuits, provided they are linear.
Question-6. What are the steps involved in applying Norton's theorem to a circuit?
Answer-6: Find the Norton equivalent resistance by removing all sources and calculating the resistance across the terminals. Then find the short-circuit current across the terminals to determine the Norton equivalent current source.
Question-7. Can a circuit have multiple Norton equivalent circuits?
Answer-7: Norton's theorem guarantees that there is only one Norton equivalent circuit for a given original circuit.
Question-8. What is the Norton equivalent circuit of a circuit with only resistors and no sources?
Answer-8: In this case, the Norton equivalent circuit will have a current source equal to zero (short circuit) in parallel with the total resistance of the network.
Question-9. How Norton resistance is found in a norton equivalent circuit?
Answer-9: Ideal current sources have infinite internal resistance hence behave like an open circuit whereas ideal voltage sources have zero internal resistances hence behave as a short circuit. So, to obtain Norton resistance, all voltage sources are shorted and all current sources are opened.
Question-10. Can we use Norton’s theorem on a circuit containing a BJT?
Answer-10: We can use Norton’s theorem only for linear networks. BJT is a non-linear network hence we cannot apply Norton’s theorem for it.
Question-11. Which theorem is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem?
Answer-11: Thevenin’s theorem is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem because in Norton’s theorem we find short circuit current which is the dual of open circuit voltage-what we find in Thevenin’s theorem.
Question-12. What is the main difference between Norton's theorem and Thevenin's theorem?
Answer-12: Thevenin's theorem replaces a network with a single voltage source and a single resistor in series, while Norton's theorem replaces it with a single current source and a single resistor in parallel.
Question-13. What is Norton equivalent current (IN) in terms of Thevenin equivalent voltage (VTH<
Answer-13: IN = VTH / RTH, where RTH is the Thevenin equivalent resistance.
Question-14. How is the Norton equivalent resistance (RN) related to the Thevenin equivalent resistanc
Answer-14: RN = RTH, they are the same.
Question-15. What is the practical significance of Norton's theorem?
Answer-15: Norton's theorem allows engineers to simplify complex circuits into more manageable forms for analysis and design.
Question-16. Can Norton's theorem be used to find maximum power transfer?
Answer-16: Yes, Norton's theorem can be used to find the load resistance for maximum power transfer by matching the load resistance to the Norton equivalent resistance.
Question-17. How does Norton's theorem relate to superposition theorem?
Answer-17: Norton's theorem is a simplification technique for linear circuits, while superposition theorem allows for analysis by considering the effects of individual sources one at a time.
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