Frequently asked questions and answers of Nodal Slide Experiment in Optics of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Nodal Slide Experiment Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Nodal Slide Experiment FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is the aim of this experiment?
Answer-1: To determine the position of cardinal points of a system of single convex lens and also a combination of two convex lens.
Question-2. What are cardinal points in an optical system?
Answer-2: The principal points and nodal points together called cardinal points in an optical system.
Question-3. Define focal points, principal points and nodal points?
Answer-3: Principal Points: The principal points are two hypothetical planes in a lens system at which all the refraction can be considered to happen.
Focal points The point on the axis of a lens or mirror to which parallel rays of light converge or from which they appear to diverge after refraction or reflection.
Nodal points The nodal point of a lens is the point inside a lens where light paths cross before being focused onto a axis of lens.
Question-4. What is a nodal slide?
Answer-4: The nodal slide is an instrument used for locating and measuring the cardinal points of a lens or a system of lenses.
Question-5. What do you mean by co-axial system of lenses ?
Answer-5: A combination of two or more than two lenses with same principal axis is called the co-axial lens system.
Question-6. What are nodal points?
Answer-6: The two conjugate points N1 and N2 on the principal axis for which angular magnification is +1 are called the nodal points (The incident rays of light at the first nodal point emerge after refraction from the second nodal point N2 in a direction parallel to the incident rays.
Question-7. Which part of your apparatus is called the nodal slide ?
Answer-7: The part on which the lenses are mounted and which is rotated about the vertical axis .
Question-8. In your experiment how will you test that the image on cross-slit is the required image?
Answer-8: If the image on the cross slit gets displaced on turning the plane mirror slightly, the image is said to required image .
Question-9. In your experiment, if you move the plane mirror to and fro on the optical bench, will the image on
Answer-9: No, the image on cross slit will not be displayed.
Question-10. What is the meaning of focal length?
Answer-10: Focal length is the distance between the center of a convex lens or a concave mirror and the focal point of the lens or mirror ? the point where parallel rays of light meet, or converge.
Question-11. What is meant by circle of confusion?
Answer-11: When a lens is defocused, a object point gets rendered as a small circle, called the circle of confusion. (Ignoring diffraction) If the circle of confusion is small enough, the image will look sharp.
Question-12. What is hyper focal distance?
Answer-12: The hyper focal distance is the closest distance at which a lens can be focused while keeping objects at infinity acceptably sharp.
Question-13. What are aberrations?
Answer-13: An optical aberration is a departure of the performance of an optical system from the predictions of paraxial optics.
Question-14. What is diffraction?
Answer-14: When a beam of light passes through any aperture it spreads out. This effect limits how sharp a lens can possibly be.
Question-15. What is the nodal bench?
Answer-15: A optical test bench with instrumentation which generally includes a collimator, microscope, positioners and a nodal slide used to rotate a lens about its second nodal point. The nodal bench is used to determine the cardinal points of a lens so that measurements of focal length, back focal length, field curvature, distortion, magnification, and blur pattern can be carried out.
Question-16. What is the principal of nodal slide experiment?
Answer-16: When a parallel beam of light is incident on a convergent lens system, its image is formed on a screen (or mirror) placed in its second focal plane. Now if the lens system is rotated about a vertical axis passing through the second nodal point, there is no displacement of the image.
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