Frequently asked questions and answers of MS Power Point in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best MS Power Point Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download MS Power Point FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
Intervew Quizz is an online portal with frequently asked interview, viva and trivia questions and answers on various subjects, topics of kids, school, engineering students, medical aspirants, business management academics and software professionals.
Question-1. Describe MS-Power point?
Answer-1: Power point is the presentation graphics portion of MS Office XP .it lets you create Briefings, presentations, signs, graphics, or slides.
Question-2. What is presentation.
Answer-2: A slide is integrated screen full information comprised of HANDOUTS, SPEAKER NOTE, MEDIA CLIP, CHARTS and GRAPHS to sequence and emphasis on any topic.
Question-3. What is the file extension of MS power point?
Answer-3: .ppt
Question-4. What is the short cut keys for paste?
Answer-4: ctrl+v or shift +insert
Question-5. What is the short cut keys for print a documents?
Answer-5: ctrl+p or ctrl+shift+F12
Question-6. What is the short cut keys for save a document?
Answer-6: ctrl+s
Question-7. What is the shortcut keys for find any word in document?
Answer-7: ctrl+F
Question-8. What is the shortcut keys for redo operation in documents?
Answer-8: ctrl+Y
Question-9. What is the shortcut keys for undo operation in documents?
Answer-9: ctrl+Z
Question-10. What is the shortcut keys to open new slide in MS Power point?
Answer-10: ctrl +O
Question-11. What is the shortcut keys to run slides?
Answer-11: F5
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on MS Power Point
MS Power Point Interview Questions and Answers in PDF form Online
MS Power Point Questions with Answers
MS Power Point Trivia MCQ Quiz