Frequently asked questions and answers of Microsoft Word in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Microsoft Word Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Microsoft Word FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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fairgo casinoQuestion-1. Describe COPY commands in windows environment?
Answer-1: Use this command if you want to copy selected text to another location in your document or to another document, simply highlight the text, and then select COPY. Your selection will now be placed on clipboard. Another way: After highlighting the text press ctrl+c or ctrl+insert text will be copy and placed on clipboard.
Question-2. Describe cut command in windows environment?
Answer-2: If you want to delete a letter, word, sentence, paragraph, or any thing else from your document use this command. Steps to use cut command: 1. Highight the selection to be deleted by dragging the cursor over the selection and releasing the left mouse button then right click on it one drop down list will appear select cut on it.
Question-3. Describe Headers and Footers?
Answer-3: A header prints information automatically in the top margin of each page. While Footer prints I information automatically in the bottom margin of each page.
Question-4. Describe margins in MS WORD?
Answer-4: Margins are measured from the edge of the paper selected for printing and govern how much white space will frame your documents. The standard margin width is one inch on all side, so you may find the MS WORD default margins to be an inch wide all around. To view or change your margins, select page setup from the FILE pull-down menu. A dialogue box will appear with four tabs. Select the Margins tab to view the margin setting, which you can increase or decrease by either clicking on the up or down arrows.
Question-5. Describe ruler in MS word?
Answer-5: Ruler shows the margins of the current page.
Question-6. what is menu bar in ms word?
Answer-6: Menu bar contains the pull down menus of all MS word functions. These are activated by selecting each word: FILE, EDIT, VIEW, INSERT, FORMAT, TOOLS, TABLE, WINDOW, and HELP.
Question-7. What is Microsoft word?
Answer-7: MS Word is a word processing application .it provides an easy way to create documents for business and personal use. You can create letters, speeches, paper, and many other type of written material.
Question-8. What is the difference between save and save as?
Answer-8: The difference between save and save as are given below:
1. Save-when you click on save option the changes you made will be reflecting on the existing document.
2. Save as- when you click on save option, it will ask the location where you want to save the document and ask to write the name of the document.
Question-9. What is the shortcut keys for cut?
Answer-9: ctrl+x.
Question-10. What is title bar in ms word?
Answer-10: Title bar displays the name of the open document. If you have not saved your document yet, the default name will be document1, document2, etc.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Microsoft Word
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Microsoft Word Questions with Answers
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