Frequently asked questions and answers of Microsoft Excel in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Microsoft Excel Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Microsoft Excel FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Describe Cell in MS excel?
Answer-1: The most basic part of Excel document is the box that holds elements of data. ?The intersection of row (a sequence of cells along a horizontal line) and a column (a sequence of cells along a vertical line) is called cell?.
Question-2. Describe MS Excel?
Answer-2: Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. One that lets you organize your data into lists and then summarize, compare, and present your date graphically. Example: You can have Excel find the sum, avg, or maximum value for sales on a given day.
Question-3. Describe SUM operation in MS Excel?
Answer-3: Excel formula look like this '=3+2' typed as cell value. Start typing a formula with '=' Sign in formula bar. A formula can also contain cell reference in it. Ex. '=A1+A2' can be a formula and if written as value for cell A3 then A3 cell will always have the sum of A1,A2 values.
Question-4. How to create chart in MS Excel?
Answer-4: The chart wizard can be started using the chart wizard button on the standard toolbar or from the chart. Button on the insert menu. The data can be selected prior to running the chart wizard, filled in while running the chart wizard, or added to the chart later .The chart wizard runs through a series of steps that help you set up your chart .wizard has many option to customize the output chart. Chart is placed as a picture and can be resized as per needs.
Question-5. How to identify row and column in MS Excel?
Answer-5: Rows are identifies by number and column identified by letter. The row number and column letter that designate a specific cell are called a cell reference. Example: A-1.
Question-6. How to start MS Excel?
Answer-6: Starting MS Excel involves the following steps:
1. Click on the start button on the task bar.
2. Go to the all program a submenu will open.
3. Go to the MS office and then select MS excel.
Question-7. How to use the Menu Bar in Excel?
Answer-7: To use the menu bar in Excel:
1.Click at the menu name or press alt+char, where character is the underlined letter in the menu name. For Example: alt+f will open new file.
2. Option can be accessed either by clicking at the option or by moving the highlighted bar to the option and pressing the enter key.
Question-8. What are the most important parts of MS Excel?
Answer-8: Following are the most important part of MS Excel:
1. Standard Toolbar.
2. Menu Bar.
3. Formatting Toolbars.
4. Formula Bar.
5. Worksheet window.
6. Task pane.
7. Ask a question box.
8. Status bar.
Question-9. What is Work Book in MS Excel?
Answer-9: A collection of one or more Work Sheet is called Work Book.
Question-10. What is Work Sheet in MS Excel?
Answer-10: A single set of column and rows makes up a work sheet. It is the blank document that appears as you open Excel.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel Interview Questions and Answers in PDF form Online
Microsoft Excel Questions with Answers
Microsoft Excel Trivia MCQ Quiz