Frequently asked questions and answers of Mesh Analysis in Current Electricity of Electrical Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Mesh Analysis Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Mesh Analysis FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What do you mean by mesh in a circuit?
Answer-1: A mesh is a loop in a circuit that does not contain any other loops within it.
Question-2. What do you mean by mesh analysis in a circuit?
Answer-2: Mesh analysis is a method used to analyze electric circuits by applying Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) to mesh currents.
Question-3. What is Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL)?
Answer-3: Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit must be equal to zero.
Question-4. What is a node in an electric circuit?
Answer-4: Node is a point in a network where two or more circuits elements are connected.
Question-5. Define a branch with respect to an electrical circuit.
Answer-5: A branch is a single or group of ccomponents which are connected between two nodes.
Question-6. What is a loop in an electrical circuit.
Answer-6: Any closed path in the circuit can be called as a loop.
Question-7. How are mesh currents chosen?
Answer-7: Mesh currents are chosen to flow in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction around each mesh.
Question-8. What is a dependent source?
Answer-8: A dependent source in an electrical network is defined as either a voltage source or a current source whose value is dependent on the voltage or current in the network.
Question-9. Give the names of dependent sourse.
Answer-9: Voltage-controlled voltage source(VCVS), voltage-controlled current source(VCCS), current-controlled current source(CCCS), and current-controlled voltage source(CCVS) are the classification of the dependent sources.
Question-10. Is it possible to apply mesh analysis for both linear and non-linear circuits?
Answer-10: Yes, mesh analysis can be applied to linear circuits as well as non-linear circuits.
Question-11. What are the advantages of using mesh analysis?
Answer-11: Mesh analysis can simplify circuit analysis, particularly for circuits with multiple current sources and loops.
Question-12. How are voltage drops across components represented in terms of mesh currents?
Answer-12: Voltage drops across components are represented by the formula V = IR, as the product of the component's resistance(R) and the corresponding mesh current(I).
Question-13. How are current sources treated in mesh analysis?
Answer-13: Current sources are directly incorporated into the equations by adding or subtracting the source current from the corresponding mesh currents.
Question-14. How is KVL applied to mesh analysis?
Answer-14: KVL is applied to each mesh individually, setting the sum of voltage drops around the mesh equal to zero.
Question-15. How are voltage sources treated in mesh analysis?
Answer-15: Voltage sources are considered in terms of the voltage differences between their terminals and are included in the KVL equations.
Question-16. What do you mean by a dependent current source?
Answer-16: A dependent current source's magnitude depends on the current or voltage in another part of the circuit.
Question-17. What is the goal of mesh analysis?
Answer-17: The goal of mesh analysis is to determine the currents flowing in each mesh of a circuit in order to analyze the behavior of the circuit.
Question-18. What is the formula to find the number of mesh currents if there are M meshes, N nodes and B branche
Answer-18: If there are M meshes, N nodes and B branches, the number of mesh currents is given as M = B-(N-1).
Question-19. What is a supermesh?
Answer-19: A supermesh occurs when a current source is contained between two essential meshes. The circuit is first treated as if the current source is not there. This leads to one equation that incorporates two mesh currents.
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Mesh Analysis Questions with Answers
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