Frequently asked questions and answers of Mammals in Animals of General Knowledge to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Mammals Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Mammals FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. An animal is mammal if it has what?
Answer-1: Hair or Fur
Question-2. How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
Answer-2: Almost 2 miles
Question-3. How fast an elephant can run?
Answer-3: 25 miles per hour
Question-4. How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?
Answer-4: 22 Months
Question-5. How many heart chambers do a mammal have?
Answer-5: Four
Question-6. How much is the dogs nose more sensitive compared to the humans?
Answer-6: 1000 times
Question-7. In which mammal the feature of hair disappears?
Answer-7: Whale
Question-8. Name the variety of Asiatic wild ass found in Ladakhk.
Answer-8: kiang
Question-9. The only animal that has antlers, there are over sixty species worldwide. Males of this hoofed anima
Answer-9: Deer
Question-10. This land mammal is a pack hunter and largest member of the dog family. Its Latin name is Canis lupu
Answer-10: Wolf
Question-11. This large thick skinned animal with a horn on the end of its nose lives in Africa and Asia.
Answer-11: rhinoceros
Question-12. This mammal, with characteristic pointy triangular ears, is small to medium sized and also known for
Answer-12: Fox
Question-13. What animal eats mainly bamboo?
Answer-13: Panda
Question-14. What animal is known to be mans best friend?
Answer-14: Dog
Question-15. What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
Answer-15: Purple
Question-16. What is the function of hair on the mammals?
Answer-16: Insulation
Question-17. What is the name of the wild dog that lives in Australia?
Answer-17: dingo
Question-18. What is the name of the wild goat that lives in the Alps and Himalayas?
Answer-18: ibex
Question-19. What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?
Answer-19: About 1 inch in length
Question-20. Where do mammals grow and develop before they are born?
Answer-20: In the uterus, which is a special organ in the mothers body.
Question-21. A small primate, is only found in Madagascar. What is it?
Answer-21: lesser lemur
Question-22. Which aberrant goat, with sheep like affinities, is found above the timberline in the Himalayas?
Answer-22: bharal
Question-23. Which animal can stand on its tail?
Answer-23: Kangaroo
Question-24. Which animal is known to spend 90% of its day, sleeping?
Answer-24: Koalas
Question-25. Which animal is the tallest in the world?
Answer-25: Giraffe
Question-26. Which animal was first domesticated by humans for food?
Answer-26: Goat
Question-27. Which animals stripes are on their skin as well as their fur?
Answer-27: Tiger
Question-28. Which Indian mammal comes in three main varieties- common or grey, golden and crab eating?
Answer-28: Mangoose
Question-29. Which is the only mammal that can fly?
Answer-29: Bat
Question-30. Which is the only mammal that cant jump?
Answer-30: Elephant
Question-31. Which is the worlds fastest mammal?
Answer-31: Cheetah
Question-32. Which mammal has the highest sense of smell?
Answer-32: Elephant
Question-33. Which mammal has the largest brain?
Answer-33: Sperm whale
Question-34. Which mammal has the widest hearing range?
Answer-34: Dolphin
Question-35. Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?
Answer-35: Hippopotamus
Question-36. Which organ makes milk for the young mammal?
Answer-36: Mammary gland
Question-37. Ailurus fulgens is the scientific name of which relative of giant panda found in Himalayan forests?
Answer-37: red panda
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