Frequently asked questions and answers of Magnetic Field Along the Axis of Circular Coil in Electicity and Magnetism of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Magnetic Field Along the Axis of Circular Coil Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Magnetic Field Along the Axis of Circular Coil FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is magnetic field of electric current?
Answer-1: When current flows through a wire magnetic field is produced around it.
Question-2. Where does the field become maximum when current flows through the circular coil?
Answer-2: At the centre of the circular coil the field is maximum.
Question-3. What happens to the magnetic field if you go away from the centre of the coil?
Answer-3: Field decreases on either side of the coil.
Question-4. What is tangent law?
Answer-4: When a magnetic needle is placed between two mutually perpendicular uniform magnetic fields. Needle is deflected making an angle θ with the deflecting field.
B = BH tanθ
Question-5. Why do you set the plane of the coil in the direction of BH?
Answer-5: To satisfy tangent law.
Question-6. What are the initial adjustment in the experiment?
A) Plane of the coil must be set parallel to BH
B) Aluminium pointer should read 0-0
Question-7. Why do you take two deflections θ1 and θ2?
Answer-7: To eliminate eccentric error i.e. centre of the magnetic needle may not be exactly at the centre of the circular degree scale.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Magnetic Field Along the Axis of Circular Coil
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Magnetic Field Along the Axis of Circular Coil Questions with Answers
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