Fish Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of Fish in Animals of General Knowledge to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Fish Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Fish FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. A lumpsucker is what type of creature?
Answer-1: A fish
Question-2. A sea horse is what kind of creature?
Answer-2: A fish
Question-3. A squid has how many arms?
Answer-3: Ten
Question-4. Adaptive radiation in fishes started about number of million years ago:
Answer-4: 500
Question-5. Another name for a mulloway is a
Answer-5: Jewfish
Question-6. Bony armor fishes are:
Answer-6: Ostracoderms
Question-7. Cartilaginous fishes are:
Answer-7: Chindrichythyes
Question-8. Do fishes sleep?
Answer-8: While fish do not sleep in the same way that land mammals sleep, most fish do rest.
Question-9. During mating process in carps when male chase behind the female, this type of chasing is called
Answer-9: Subgyne
Question-10. Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through:
Answer-10: Rectal glands
Question-11. Fish can communicate in their underwater environments through the use of what?
Answer-11: Acoustic communication.
Question-12. For induced breeding in carps this is not used
Answer-12: Methyltestosterone
Question-13. How big is the largest catfish ever caught in the U.S.?
Answer-13: 111 pounds
Question-14. Identify the edible freshwater teleost
Answer-14: Catla catla
Question-15. If more than single species of fish is cultured at a time, then it is called
Answer-15: Polyculture
Question-16. In fish body the share of minerals is
Answer-16: 1-2%
Question-17. In Heteropneutis fossils the total number of barbels occurring are
Answer-17: 8
Question-18. In India which of the following genera of earthworms is extensively used for vermiculture
Answer-18: Eudrilus
Question-19. In which state was the world record largemouth bass caught?
Answer-19: Georgia
Question-20. Inand fisheries are
Answer-20: raising and capturing fishes in fresh water
Question-21. Induced breeding technique is used in
Answer-21: Culture fishery
Question-22. Is a jellyfish a fish?
Answer-22: Jellyfish are not really fish
Question-23. Isinglass is employed in
Answer-23: Clearing of wines
Question-24. Large rostrum is found in:
Answer-24: Paddle fishes
Question-25. Number of afferent vessels are:
Answer-25: 5
Question-26. Number of species ofOsteichthyes are:
Answer-26: 15000
Question-27. One of the following is not a benefit of vermicompost
Answer-27: Reduction in microbialo activity
Question-28. Out of following the Indian trout is
Answer-28: Barilius bola
Question-29. pH of vermiculture is kept at
Answer-29: Near neutral
Question-30. Pisciculture is rearing and production of
Answer-30: Fishes
Question-31. Placoid scales are present in:
Answer-31: Sharks
Question-32. Rat fishes are:
Answer-32: Chimeras
Question-33. Smooking is used as a technique of
Answer-33: Fish preservation
Question-34. Some elasmobranchs have modified pelvic fin for copulation called:
Answer-34: Clasper
Question-35. Sucking mouth and rasping tongue is present in :
Answer-35: Lampreys
Question-36. The amount of protein in live body weight of fish is
Answer-36: 15-20%
Question-37. The armored fishes are:
Answer-37: Placoderms
Question-38. The extinct body fishes are:
Answer-38: Acanthodians
Question-39. The fish live in stagnant water is:
Answer-39: Neoceratodus
Question-40. The fish remained buried in the mud and sand is:
Answer-40: Hag Fishes
Question-41. The hormone administered in fish diet for promoting maleness in grass carp is
Answer-41: Methyltestosterone
Question-42. The larva of Lamprey is:
Answer-42: Ammocoete
Question-43. The lung fish found in tropical Africa is:
Answer-43: Protopterus
Question-44. The major osmoregulatory organ in fishes is:
Answer-44: Kidney
Question-45. The maxillary barbels in this fish are equal to rostral barbels in length
Answer-45: Tor khudree
Question-46. The muskellunge is a member of which family?
Answer-46: Pike
Question-47. The name of the device similar to a rod, but without eyes is known as what?
Answer-47: A pole
Question-48. The number of chambers in the heart of fishes are:
Answer-48: 2
Question-49. The number of semicircular canals in Gnathostomes are:
Answer-49: 3
Question-50. The number of species of teleosts fishes are:
Answer-50: 20000
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