Fair Play Class 6 English Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of Fair Play in Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose of NCERT CBSE to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Fair Play Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Fair Play FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Between whom was the arrangement done?
Answer-1: Jumman and his aunt
Question-2. How did Jumman and his wife harass the old aunt?
Answer-2: By insulting her
Question-3. To whom did she go for help?
Answer-3: Algu Chowdhary
Question-4. What is the meaning of ?swallowed? here?
Answer-4: tolerated
Question-5. What was Algu?s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?
Answer-5: Algu?s verdict as a head panch was that Jumman had to pay his aunt for a monthly allowance. If Jumman did not follow the verdict then all the property once given away to him by his aunt would be transferred back to her
Question-6. What was Jumman?s verdict as head Panch? How did Algu take it?
Answer-6: Jumman?s verdict as a head panch was that, as the bullock had no damage or disease or disability when Samjhu Sahu brought it then Algu could not be blamed for its death
Question-7. What was the villagers? reaction when the aunt explained her case to them?
Answer-7: As Jumman?s aunt was being mistreated at her home by Jumman?s wife, she went door to door in the village to explain her case. Some showed sympathy after hearing about the injustice Jumman and his wife were doing, while some were indifferent to her complaints.
Question-8. Who had an old aunt?
Answer-8: Jumman
Question-9. Who is the old lady referred to here?
Answer-9: Jumman?s aunt
Question-10. Who says this to whom and why: ?My wife knows best how to run the house.?
Answer-10: Jumman said this to his old aunt, who transferred all her property to his name.
Question-11. Why was Algu upset over Jumman?s nomination as head Panch?
Answer-11: Algu was upset over Jumman?s nomination as a head Panch because they were not friends anymore
Question-12. Why was Jumman happy over Algu?s nomination as head Panch?
Answer-12: Jumman was happy over Algu?s nomination as a head Panch because they were best of friends. Jumman thought Algu, being his friend, would take his side. Jumman thought Algu would decide in his favour.
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