Frequently asked questions and answers of Electric Current in Current Electricity of Electrical Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Electric Current Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Electric Current FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is electric current ? Define electric current.
Answer-1: Electric current is define as the amount of charge flowing across an area held normal to the direction of flow of charge per unit time.
Question-2. What is nodal analysis?
Answer-2: Nodal analysis is a method used to analyze electric circuits by examining the voltage at various nodes within the circuit.
Question-3. What constitutes an electric current ?
Answer-3: Charges in motion constitutes an electric current.
Question-4. How do you define a node in nodal analysis?
Answer-4: A node is a point in an electric circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected together.
Question-5. What is the SI unit of electric current?
Answer-5: The SI unit of current is ampere (A).
Question-6. What is Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) and how is it applied in nodal analysis?
Answer-6: KCL states that the algebraic sum of currents entering and exiting a node is zero. In nodal analysis, KCL is used to write equations for each node based on the currents flowing into and out of it.
Question-7. Is electric current a vector or scalar quantity?
Answer-7: Electric current is a scalar quantity.
Question-8. If there are 10 nodes in a circuit, how many equations do we get?
Answer-8: One node is taken as reference node so, the number of equations we get is always one less than the number of nodes in the circuit, hence for 10 nodes we get 9 equations.
Question-9. What does the direction of electric current signify in an electric circuit?
Answer-9: The direction of conventional current in an electric circuit tells the direction of flow of positive charges in that circuit.
Question-10. What is a supernode in nodal analysis?
Answer-10: A supernode is formed when a voltage source is connected between two nodes. It simplifies nodal analysis by treating the voltage source and the nodes it connects as a single entity.
Question-11. What do you mean by steady current?
Answer-11: A current whose magnitude does not change with time is called steady current.
Question-12. What is the fundamental principle behind nodal analysis?
Answer-12: The fundamental principle behind nodal analysis is the conservation of charge, as expressed by Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL).
Question-13. What do you mean by varying current?
Answer-13: A current whose magnitude changes with time is called varying current.
Question-14. What are the steps involved in performing nodal analysis?
Answer-14: The steps involve selecting reference node, applying KCL at each non-reference node, and solving the resulting system of equations.
Question-15. Define the unit of electric current. Write the relation between coulomb and ampere.
Answer-15: If one coulomb of charge crosses an area normally in one second, then the current through that area is one ampere.
i.e. 1 ampere = 1 coulomb / 1 second or 1 A = 1C s-1
Question-16. What is a floating node in nodal analysis?
Answer-16: A floating node is a node that is not connected to any voltage or current source. It requires an additional equation to solve for its voltage.
Question-17. Can nodal analysis be applied to AC circuits?
Answer-17: Yes, nodal analysis can be extended to AC circuits by representing complex impedances as conductances in the nodal equations.
Question-18. What are the steps involved in performing nodal analysis?
Answer-18: The steps involve selecting reference node, applying KCL at each non-reference node, and solving the resulting system of equations.
Question-19. How do you account for voltage sources in nodal analysis?
Answer-19: Voltage sources are treated as known values in nodal analysis. Their voltages are specified, and they are typically connected between a node and the reference node.
Question-20. What are the advantages of nodal analysis over mesh analysis?
Answer-20: Nodal analysis is advantageous when dealing with circuits containing voltage sources or when the goal is to find node voltages directly.
Question-21. How do you verify the accuracy of nodal analysis solutions?
Answer-21: Nodal analysis solutions can be verified by ensuring that the calculated node voltages satisfy KCL at each node and that the voltages across circuit elements are consistent with their respective current-voltage characteristics.
Question-22. How do you handle dependent sources in nodal analysis?
Answer-22: Dependent sources are treated like any other source in nodal analysis. The only difference is that their values depend on some other voltage or current in the circuit.
Question-23. When do you use nodal analysis over other circuit analysis techniques?
Answer-23: Nodal analysis is particularly useful when analyzing circuits with multiple current sources or when the goal is to find node voltages.
Question-24. What is the purpose of choosing a reference node in nodal analysis?
Answer-24: Choosing a reference node simplifies the analysis by allowing us to define all node voltages with respect to a common reference point, typically chosen as ground.
Question-25. Can nodal analysis be applied to circuits containing only voltage sources?
Answer-25: Yes, nodal analysis can be applied to circuits containing only voltage sources by incorporating a "dummy" current source to represent the voltage source.
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