Dispersive Power of Prism Interview Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of Dispersive Power of Prism in Optics of Physics to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Dispersive Power of Prism Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Dispersive Power of Prism FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is spectrometer?
Answer-1: It is an instrument used for analyzing the spectrum of a source of light.
Question-2. Define refractive index?
Answer-2: The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is constant for any two media is called refractive index.
Question-3. Define dispersive power of a prism?
Answer-3: Dispersive power of a prism indicates the ability of the material of the prism to disperse the light rays. It is defined as the angular dispersion to the deviation of the mean ray.
Question-4. How does refractive index change with wave length?
Answer-4: Higher the wave length, smaller is the refractive index.
Question-5. Does the deviation depend on the angle of prism?
Answer-5: Yes, greater the angle of the prism, more is the deviation.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Dispersive Power of Prism
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