Frequently asked questions and answers of Cyprus in Countries of World to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Cyprus Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Cyprus FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. In which year was Cyprus admitted to the European Union?
Answer-1: 2004
Question-2. What area, in square kilometres, does Cyprus cover?
Answer-2: 9251
Question-3. Being an island, Cyprus has no land borders. Which country is its closest neighbour?
Answer-3: Turkey
Question-4. Cyprus has two official languages. Turkish is one, what is the other?
Answer-4: Greek
Question-5. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Which of these islands is one of the tw
Answer-5: Sicily
Question-6. If you were eating 'haloumi', what type of food would you be eating?
Answer-6: a kind of cheese
Question-7. In which part of Cyprus can heavy snowfalls be expected in the winter?
Answer-7: The Troodos Mountains
Question-8. In which sea is the island of Cyprus situated?
Answer-8: Mediterranean Sea
Question-9. What is 'Commanderia'?
Answer-9: Sweet red wine
Question-10. What is Cyprus's main mountain range called?
Answer-10: Troodos
Question-11. What is Keo?
Answer-11: Beer
Question-12. What is the capital of Cyprus (English name)?
Answer-12: Nicosia
Question-13. What is the capital of Cyprus (Greek name)?
Answer-13: Lefkosia
Question-14. What is the island's southern mountain range?
Answer-14: Troodos
Question-15. What is the main commercial port of Cyprus?
Answer-15: Limassol
Question-16. What is the name of the animal which is the symbol of the Cyprus republic? It was also used on its c
Answer-16: mouflon & muflon & sheep & moufflon
Question-17. What is the name of the British Sovereign Base west of Limassol?
Answer-17: Akrotiri
Question-18. What is the name of the building on top of Woolworths, Ledra Street where you can see all over Nicos
Answer-18: Ledra Observatory
Question-19. What is the name of the gift that God supposedly gave to the Cypriots?
Answer-19: Intrigue
Question-20. What is the name of the monastery where Archbishop Makarios started as a novice?
Answer-20: Kykkos
Question-21. What is the name of the UN-staffed divide across Cyprus?
Answer-21: Green Line
Question-22. What is the predominant colour of the Cyprus 1 note (1997 design)?
Answer-22: Brown
Question-23. What is the principal religion of Cyprus?
Answer-23: Greek Orthodox
Question-24. What sort of food is Haloumi, often seen on Cypriot menus?
Answer-24: Cheese
Question-25. What was the name of the capital of Cyprus in ancient times?
Answer-25: Ledra
Question-26. What was the name of the last Queen of Cyprus?
Answer-26: Catherine Cornaro
Question-27. When did the University of Cyprus begin?
Answer-27: Sep-92
Question-28. Which ancient goddess is associated with Cyprus?
Answer-28: Aphrodite
Question-29. Which animal is said to have been brought to Cyprus to control the snake population?
Answer-29: Cat
Question-30. Which Archbishop was the leader of Cyprus in the 1960s and 1970s?
Answer-30: Makarios
Question-31. Which Christian saint was shipwrecked off Cyprus?
Answer-31: Paul
Question-32. Which Cypriot meal consists of up to 30 different foods?
Answer-32: Meze
Question-33. Which English King was married in Cyprus?
Answer-33: Richard I
Question-34. Which goddess is said to have been born off the coast of Cyprus?
Answer-34: Aphrodite & astarte & venus
Question-35. Which of the following best describes the weather in Cyprus?
Answer-35: Hot summer, mild winter
Question-36. Which of the following does NOT control one of the four de facto regions of Cyprus?
Answer-36: Greece
Question-37. Which of the following symbols of peace is to be found on the flag of Cyprus?
Answer-37: Two olive branches
Question-38. Which village is famous for its lace?
Answer-38: Lefkara
Question-39. Who was elected the country's Greek Cypriot leader in 1993?
Answer-39: Glafkos Clerides
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