Frequently asked questions and answers of Storage Devices in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Storage Devices Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Storage Devices FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Define Direct Access Storage Devices?
Answer-1: A direct storage access device is also known as random access storage device. It is the in which any location in the device may be selected at random-access to the information stored is direct and approximately equal access time is required for each location. Example : RAM, ROM
Question-2. Define Magnetic Disks?
Answer-2: Magnetic disk is the most popular storage media for direct access secondary storage. A magnetic disk is a thin circular plate/plotter made of metal on plastic, which is usually created on both sides with a magnetically material such as iron oxide. A standard binary code, usually 8bit EBCDIC is used for recording the data.
Question-3. Define magnetic tape?
Answer-3: Magnetic tape is the most popular storage medium for large data, which are sequentially accessed and proceed. The magnetic tape medium is a plastic ribbon, which is ? inch wide and 50 to 200 large. It is coated with a magnetically recording material such as iron oxide or chromium dioxide .Data are recorded on the tap in the form of tiny invisible magnetized and non-magnetized spots on the coated surface of the tape.
Question-4. Define Sequential Access Storage Devices?
Answer-4: It is the one in which the arrival at the location desired may be proceed by sequencing, through other locations, so that the access time varies according to location. Example : Magnetic tape
Question-5. Give some example of magnetic disks devices?
Answer-5: Some example of magnetic disk devices are:
Floppy disk
Hard disk
Disk Pack
Question-6. What are the advantages of magnetic disk?
Answer-6: Advantage of magnetic disk are as follows:
1. Files can be arranged sequentially in random manner.
2. Since disks are direct access storage .Each record can be loaded independently this is not possible with magnetic tape which is essentially a serial storage medium that is serial access storage.
3. Time taken to locate a record is independently of the position of the record.
4. Data transfer is high.
Question-7. What are the advantages of magnetic tape?
Answer-7: Advantage of magnetic tape are as follows:
1. Tapes can be erased and reused many times.
2. Very large amount of data can be stored in a small storage space.
Question-8. What are the limitations of magnetic disk?
Answer-8: Limitations of magnetic disk are as follows:
1. Disk is more expensive then magnetic tape.
2. A disk pack is heavier and more difficult to replace than a reel of tape.
Question-9. What are the limitations of magnetic tape?
Answer-9: Limitation of magnetic tape is as follows:
1. Due to their sequential access nature they are not suitable for storage of those data, which frequently require to be accessed randomly.
2. They must be stored in a dust free environment because dust can cause tape-reading error.
Question-10. What is the types of storage devices?
Answer-10: According to the access types, these can be classified into two groups as follows:
1. Sequential Access Storage Devices
2. Direct Access Storage Devices
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Storage Devices
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