Computer File Systems Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of Computer File Systems in Computer Fundamentals of Computer Science to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Computer File Systems Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Computer File Systems FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Describe control panel?
Answer-1: This folder provides a variety of loads that can be used to control the way in which the p.c.its component and window operate. In other window, it all us to adjust and manage the way in which new devices are attached to and respond to the computer. From my computer window, single click the control panel icon and you will see control panel window.
Question-2. Describe folders in windows operating system?
Answer-2: The object s on the desktop named my computer. Network neighborhood and recycle bin are example of folders. Folders provide a uniform means of organizing and displaying information.
Question-3. Describe MY Computer folder in windows operating system.
Answer-3: A computer system is mixture of hardware, firmware (the internal memory), and software .my computer window contain some of must helpful H/W and S/W management resources available in window.
Question-4. How to create our own folder?
Answer-4: Steps for creating folder are given below:
1. Right click on the object where we want to create new folder.
2. Choose new folder from resulting menu.
3. Windows O.S creates new folder with the name new folder.
4. Select the folder then right click to select the option rename enter name we want for the folder for gently.
Question-5. How to delete to any folders and files in windows operating system?
Answer-5: To delete a files and or folders place the cursor on the file or folder you want to delete. Then press delete button on keyboard, right click on the folder, or file then select delete. After deleting folders, it will place on the recycle bin.
Question-6. How to open an application in windows operating system?
Answer-6: To open an application on document just click on its icon.
Question-7. How to open multiple application-using mouse?
Answer-7: Follow this steps to open multiple applications using mouse:
1. Select the application icons.
2. Hold the ctrl key.
3. Single click on a blank area of the folder background and not on an icon.
Question-8. How to rename to any folders and files in windows operating system?
Answer-8: The steps of renaming of folder are given below.
1. To rename a folder or file just right click on it.
2. Click on the rename which appears in the shortcut menu.
3. The folder or file name gets highlighted.
4. Type the new name of a folder.
Question-9. How to shutdown computer?
Answer-9: Click on start menu then click on turn off computer then clicks on turn off option.
Question-10. Write the steps to restore a deleted file or folder?
Answer-10: Steps to restore a deleted file or folder are:
1. Double click on the recycle bin icon on the desktop to open the recycle bin window.
2. Select the files to restore.
3. Right click on the selected file and click restore.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Computer File Systems
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