Frequently asked questions and answers of Cable TV System in Advance Communication of Electronics Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Cable TV System Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Cable TV System FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is the full form of TV?
Answer-1: A1television.
Question-2. What is Cable TV?
Answer-2: Cable television is a system of providing television to consumers via radio frequency signals transmitted to televisions through coaxial cables or Digital light pulses though fixed optical fibers located on the subscriber's property, much like the over-the-air method used in traditional television broadcasting (via radio waves) in which a television antenna is required.
Question-3. How Cable Television Works?
Answer-3: The earliest cable systems were, in effect, strategically placed antennas with very long cables connecting them to subscribers' television sets. Because the signal from the antenna became weaker as it traveled through the length of cable, cable providers had to insert amplifiers at regular intervals to boost the strength of the signal and make it acceptable for viewing.
Question-4. How to Build a Cable TV System?
Answer-4: Procedure:
1-Select a central logical location to mount a high-bandwidth splitter or distribution block. Screw this device down to a secure spot using the drill, Philips bit and 2-inch wood screws. This spot can be a basement stud or rafter or a simple panel.
2 Determine the individual locations desired for cable entry. In most cases, cable terminations are wall plates in the individual spaces. Using the coax cutters, cut a sufficient amount to reach from a space to the distribution location.
3 Strip off 1/4-inch of insulation from one end of the coax using the coax stripper. Place the stripper over the end of the wire, squeeze and rotate the stripper around the cable until it spins freely. Pull off the cut jacketing from the cable. Fold the shielding back against the jacket. Push the connector onto the end of the now-exposed wire as far as it will go. Place the coax crimper over the collar of the connector, squeezing the handles until they are secure.
4 Repeat the stripping and termination process for all coax cable ends designated for connection to the splitter. Screw on the connectors to the output legs in a clockwise motion, until they are fully seated.
5 Drill a hole through the baseboard into the access area where the splitter is located. The bit should penetrate through the footer and into the access area. Remove the bit from the hole.
6 Locate the small hole the 3/16-inch bit created in the footer. In the access space, take the 1-inch bit and drill straight up through the footer, immediately adjacent to the smaller hole. Drill a 2-inch hole directly above the hole made behind the baseboard, at the same height as other outlets. Repeat these steps for each room designated for coax wiring.
7 Grab the fish tape in the access area. Bring the end of the coax cable parallel to the end of the fish tape, wrapping a few tight turns of the electrical tape around both. Push the tape back through the footer and through the 2-inch hole in the wall.
8 Unwrap the tape, freeing the coax. Terminate the coax as detailed in the access room. Screw on the connector to the rear of the coax plate and screw the plate to the wall using two wood screws and the drill with a Philips bit.
Question-5. What is broadcast television systems?
Answer-5: Broadcast television systems are encoding or formatting standards for the transmission and reception of analog television signals.
Question-6. What is DTV?
Answer-6: Digital television (DTV) is the transmission of audio and video by discrete (digital) signals, in contrast to the analog signals used by analog TV. Countries such as the United States are replacing over-the-air broadcast analog television with digital television to allow other uses of the radio spectrum formerly used for analog TV broadcast.
Question-7. what is Digital cable?
Answer-7: Digital cable is a generic term for any type of cable television distribution using digital video compression or distribution.
Question-8. What is Cable CARD?
Answer-8: Cable CARD is a special-use PCMCIA (PC) card that allows consumers in the United States to view and record digital cable television channels on digital video recorders, computers and televisions without the use of other equipment such as a set top box (STB) provided by a cable company. The card may be provided by the local cable provider; usually for a nominal monthly fee.
Question-9. Explain Private Cable Operator?
Answer-9: A Private Cable Operator (also known as PCO) is a private small independent cable company competing directly with Multi system operators. PCOs typically offer services to multi-family dwellings, gated communities, hotels and other small businesses. In some small municipalities the city may be a PCO.
Question-10. what is QAM tuner?
Answer-10: QAM stands for quadrature amplitude modulation, the format by which digital cable channels are encoded and transmitted via cable television providers. QAM tuners can be likened to the cable equivalent of an ATSC tuner which is required to receive over-the-air (OTA) digital channels broadcast by local television stations; many new cable-ready digital televisions support both of these standards. Although QAM uses the same 6 MHz bandwidth as ATSC, it carries about twice the data (38.47 Mbp/s @256QAM) due to the lack of error correction; however, this requires a significantly cleaner signal path, such as distribution through hybrid fiber-coax digital cable.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Cable TV System
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