Frequently asked questions and answers of Australia in Countries of World to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Australia Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Australia FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. How many countries are larger than Australia?
Answer-1: There are Five countries larger than Australia. They are Russia, Canada, China, USA, and Brazil. Australia is the sixth largest country.
Question-2. What is the name of western-most point in Australia?
Answer-2: The name of the western-most point in Australia is Steep Point (Shark Bay).
Question-3. Who designed the Sydney Opera House?
Answer-3: The Sydney Opera House is designed by Joern Utzon.
Question-4. In what year the decimal currency was introduced?
Answer-4: The decimal currency was introduced in the year 1966.
Question-5. What is South Australia’s largest island?
Answer-5: Kangaroo Island is the largest island in South Australia.
Question-6. Who has an award-winning album titled Barricades and Brickwalls?
Answer-6: Casey Chambers.
Question-7. In which state/territory was the highest recorded temperature, of 53°C, recorded?
Answer-7: The highest recorded temperature of 53°C is recorded in The Queensland in Australia.
Question-8. What is the name of the world’s largest sand island in Australia?
Answer-8: Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island present in Australia.
Question-9. Which is the second largest city in NSW?
Answer-9: Newcastle is the second largest city in New South Wales.
Question-10. Who invented the bionic ear?
Answer-10: In 1986, Professor Graeme Clark invented the bionic ear institute to ensure cochlear implant and hearing research.
Question-11. In what state/territory is the Brisbane Ranges National Park?
Answer-11: The Brisbane Ranges National Park is in Victoria, Australia.
Question-12. In which year was Advance Australia Fair proclaimed as the national anthem by the Governor-General
Answer-12: In the year 1982, the Advance Australia Fair proclaimed as the national anthem by the Governor-General.
Question-13. In which year did the Australian National Gallery open?
Answer-13: In the year 1982, the Australian National Gallery opened.
Question-14. The Tamar River flows to which Tasmanian town/city in Australia?
Answer-14: The Tamar River flows to Launceston in Tasmanian
Question-15. Who was Australia’s first Aboriginal Senator?
Answer-15: Neville Bonner was Australia’s first Aboriginal Senator.
Question-16. Which animal is on the Western Australia flag?
Answer-16: The Black Swan is on the Western Australia flag.
Question-17. On which date did “new” parliament house open in Australia?
Answer-17: The new parliament house opens on 9th May 1988 in Australia.
Question-18. What is the name of the tallest waterfall in Australia?
Answer-18: Wallaman Falls, QLD is the tallest waterfall in Australia.
Question-19. 7. In what city did the Commonwealth Parliament first sit?
Answer-19: The Commonwealth Parliament first sit in Melbourne.
Question-20. What is the longest river in the Northern Territory?
Answer-20: Victoria s the longest river in the Northern Territory in Australia.
Question-21. Which Australian promised to “Go all the way with LBJ”?
Answer-21: Prime Minister, Harold Holt.
Question-22. Who was the first Australian to win the Booker Prize?
Answer-22: Thomas Keneally won the first Booker Prize for Australia.
Question-23. In what year was gold first discovered in Victoria and NSW to begin the “Gold Rush”?
Answer-23: In the year 1851.
Question-24. The landmark Katu Tjuta is also known as?
Answer-24: The landmark Katu Tjuta is also known as The Olgas.
Question-25. Which animal is featured on the 2 cent coin?
Answer-25: Frilled neck lizard is featured on the 2 cent coin of Australia.
Question-26. What is name of Australia’s largest non-salt lake?
Answer-26: The name of Australia’s largest non-salt lake is Lake Mackay, WA.
Question-27. Which Australian won a Nobel Prize for immune defence research?
Answer-27: Professor Peter Doherty won a Nobel Prize for immune defence research.
Question-28. Who is the only person to have been awarded both the Australian of the Year and Young Australian of
Answer-28: The only person to have been awarded both the Australian of the Year and Young Australian of the Year titles is Cathy Freeman.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Australia
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Australia Questions with Answers
Australia Trivia MCQ Quiz