Frequently asked questions and answers of Arduino in Advance Communication of Electronics Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best Arduino Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download Arduino FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is Arduino?
Answer-1: Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
Question-2. What is the main purpose of Arduino?
Answer-2: The main purpose of Arduino is to provide a simple and accessible platform for creating interactive projects and prototypes.
Question-3. What microcontroller is commonly used in Arduino boards?
Answer-3: The Atmel AVR microcontroller is commonly used in Arduino boards, with the Atmega series being the most popular.
Question-4. How many digital and analog pins are there in Arduino Uno?
Answer-4: Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs) and 6 analog input pins.
Question-5. What programming language is used with Arduino?
Answer-5: Arduino uses a simplified version of C/C++ programming language.
Question-6. What is the Arduino IDE?
Answer-6: The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software used to write and upload code to Arduino boards.
Question-7. How do you connect Arduino to a computer?
Answer-7: Arduino can be connected to a computer via USB cable.
Question-8. What are shields in Arduino?
Answer-8: Shields are boards that can be plugged into Arduino boards to extend their functionality.
Question-9. What is the function of the pinMode() function in Arduino?
Answer-9: The pinMode() function is used to configure a pin as an input or output.
Question-10. How do you read analog input in Arduino?
Answer-10: Analog input in Arduino can be read using the analogRead() function.
Question-11. What does the digitalWrite() function do in Arduino?
Answer-11: The digitalWrite() function is used to set the state of a digital pin to either HIGH or LOW.
Question-12. What is the Arduino Uno?
Answer-12: Arduino Uno is one of the most popular Arduino boards, featuring the Atmega328 microcontroller.
Question-13. What is the bootloader in Arduino?
Answer-13: The bootloader is a small program that runs on Arduino boards, allowing them to be programmed via USB.
Question-14. What is the maximum voltage that can be applied to an Arduino pin?
Answer-14: The maximum voltage that can be applied to an Arduino pin is 5 volts.
Question-15. How do you create a delay in Arduino?
Answer-15: You can create a delay in Arduino using the delay() function, specifying the delay time in milliseconds.
Question-16. What is the purpose of the analogWrite() function in Arduino?
Answer-16: The analogWrite() function is used to create a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal on a digital pin.
Question-17. What is the difference between Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega?
Answer-17: Arduino Uno has a single microcontroller while Arduino Mega has a larger microcontroller with more memory and more pins.
Question-18. Can Arduino be used for real-world projects?
Answer-18: Yes, Arduino can be used for a wide range of real-world projects including home automation, robotics, and IoT devices.
Question-19. What is the advantage of using Arduino in prototyping?
Answer-19: The advantage of using Arduino in prototyping is its ease of use, wide availability of sensors and modules, and large community support for troubleshooting and sharing projects.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Arduino
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Arduino Questions with Answers
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