An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla Class 6 English Questions and Answers
Frequently asked questions and answers of An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla in Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose of NCERT CBSE to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Where did she have her masters degree from?
Answer-1: USA
Question-2. Why was she called Indian American?
Answer-2: Bom in India, married to American
Question-3. Where were her parents at the time Columbia lifted off?
Answer-3: Kennedy Space Centre
Question-4. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian ? American?
Answer-4: Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, Haryana. She was called an Indian-American because she went to US and became its naturalised citizen.
Question-5. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry?
Answer-5: She went to US after completing a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering for pursuing master?s degree. She married flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.
Question-6. What was the space shuttles name carrying her to space?
Answer-6: Columbia
Question-7. What was Kalpana?s space shuttle?s name?
Answer-7: Columbia
Question-8. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?
Answer-8: Kalpana Chawla said that the path from dreams to success does exist. One needs to have the vision to find it, and the courage to get onto it. Yes, success is possible.
Question-9. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
Answer-9: According to the journalist, it takes enormous ability to be an astronaut. An astronaut must know a lot about everything, from biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. In this age of super-specialisation, you must have encyclopedic knowledge to be an astronaut.
Question-10. ow many times did she go around the earth?
Answer-10: 252 times
Question-11. In which branch did Kalpana earn her doctorate?
Answer-11: Aerospace engineering
Question-12. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?
Answer-12: After qualifying as a pilot, Chawla applied to NASA space shuttle program. She was first hired as a research Scientist at NASA. In 1994 she was selected at NASA for training as an astronaut. It was her success as a pilot which gave her the idea that she could become an astronaut.
Question-13. Describe Kalpana Chawla?s first mission in space.
Answer-13: Kalpana Chawla?s first mission was in the space shuttle Columbia. It was a 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes. During this time, she went around the earth 252 times travelling 1.45 million km. The crew performed experiments such as pollinating plants to observe food growth in space. It also made test for making stronger metals and faster computer chips. It was all done for a price tag of 56 million dollars.
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla
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An Indian American Woman in Space kalpana Chawla Questions with Answers
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