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Question-1. A blanket of gases surrounding the planet is known as
Answer-1: atmosphere
Question-2. A greenhouse gas that absorbs energy and maintains the earth's temperature is
Answer-2: carbon dioxide
Question-3. A method that is mainly used in separating the components of crude oil is known as
Answer-3: fractional distillation
Question-4. A reaction in which oxygen is used up for the production of thermal and light energy is known as
Answer-4: combustion
Question-5. A thin layer that is held in place by gravity and provides us with oxygen is known as
Answer-5: atmosphere
Question-6. Air is a mixture that makes up the
Answer-6: atmosphere
Question-7. Air is important because it is the prime cause of life on
Answer-7: Earth
Question-8. Air is important on earth because it has necessary components essential for the life of
Answer-8: plants, animals and other organisms
Question-9. Air present in 100cm3 of water is about
Answer-9: 2cm3
Question-10. Air solubility of water is defined as the ability of air to be dissolved in
Answer-10: water
Question-11. An odorless, invisible gas that makes about 20%-22% of the earth's atmosphere is known as
Answer-11: oxygen
Question-12. As the temperature of the air increases, there is an increases in the capacity of
Answer-12: water vapor
Question-13. Both gas and liquids are fluids. Fluids are substances which don't have fixed
Answer-13: shape
Question-14. Breathing is a process that refers to the inhaling and exhaling of
Answer-14: air
Question-15. Combustion cannot take place without
Answer-15: air
Question-16. Earth's atmosphere extends hundreds of kilometers above the
Answer-16: surface
Question-17. Exhaled air contains 16% oxygen and about 4% of carbon dioxide, the rest of 80% is
Answer-17: nitrogen
Question-18. Fish exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through gills in
Answer-18: water
Question-19. Fractional distillation consists of
Answer-19: two steps
Question-20. Human respiratory system contains respiratory tract and
Answer-20: lungs
Question-21. In desert areas, the water vapor content is
Answer-21: low
Question-22. Nitrogen is obtained from the fractional distillation of liquefied air at about
Answer-22: 186 ?C
Question-23. In fish, respiration takes place through
Answer-23: gills
Question-24. In humid areas, the water vapor content is
Answer-24: higher
Question-25. In leaves, gaseous exchange takes place through tiny pores under the leaves known as
Answer-25: stomata
Question-26. In respiration glucose and oxygen combine together to form
Answer-26: carbon dioxide & water
Question-27. In respiration, living organisms take in oxygen and give out
Answer-27: carbon dioxide
Question-28. Intake of carbon dioxide and giving out of oxygen is the only process named
Answer-28: photosynthesis
Question-29. Iron rusts when it comes in contact with
Answer-29: oxygen & water
Question-30. Nitrogen gas and nitrogen compounds, both have very important
Answer-30: industrial uses
Question-31. On cooling, a liquid will be changed into
Answer-31: solid
Question-32. Other than nitrogen and oxygen, the composition of the rest of the gases is about
Answer-32: 1%
Question-33. Oxidation is accompanied by
Answer-33: heat & light
Question-34. Oxygen is used in the manufacture of
Answer-34: metal
Question-35. People having respiratory problems like asthma, are dosed medically with
Answer-35: oxygen
Question-36. Photosynthesis is a process in which carbon dioxide and water combine to form
Answer-36: carbohydrates
Question-37. Photosynthesis occurs during the
Answer-37: day time
Question-38. Respiration takes place at/in
Answer-38: night
Question-39. Respiratory system contains organs necessary for the process of
Answer-39: respiration
Question-40. Rust is actually
Answer-40: iron oxide
Question-41. Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll in leaves, while the gaseous exchange takes place through
Answer-41: leaf stomata
Question-42. The atmosphere is an important part for life on
Answer-42: Earth
Question-43. The breathing system of plants is present in
Answer-43: leaves
Question-44. The chemical formula of ozone is
Answer-44: O3
Question-45. The condensation point of nitrogen gas is
Answer-45: -196 ?C
Question-46. The condensation point of oxygen gas is
Answer-46: -183 ?C
Question-47. The first step of fractional distillation of liquefied air is to bring the air to a very
Answer-47: low temperature
Question-48. The fractional distillation is a process in which liquids evaporate at
Answer-48: different temperature
Question-49. The layer that blocks the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun is
Answer-49: ozone layer
Question-50. The left over gas after the process of combustion is generally
Answer-50: nitrogen
Question-51. The liquefied air is put into an apparatus known as
Answer-51: fractionating column
Question-52. The main constituent in air is
Answer-52: nitrogen
Question-53. The major use of nitrogen is production of
Answer-53: ammonia
Question-54. The mixture important for human life and combustion is
Answer-54: air
Question-55. The moisture capacity of air is called
Answer-55: humidity
Question-56. The most abundant element is oxygen within the
Answer-56: Earth's crust
Question-57. The percentage composition of carbon dioxide in exhaled air is
Answer-57: 4%
Question-58. The percentage composition of nitrogen in air is
Answer-58: 78%
Question-59. The percentage composition of oxygen in air is
Answer-59: 21%
Question-60. The percentage composition of oxygen in exhaled air is
Answer-60: 16%
Question-61. The process in which energy is released by the combination of glucose and oxygen is known as
Answer-61: respiration
Question-62. The process of burning under the presence of oxygen is known as
Answer-62: combustion
Question-63. The process of trapping some of the heat from the sun to maintain the life on earth is known as
Answer-63: greenhouse effect
Question-64. The second step of fractional distillation is heating the mixture so that components evaporate at th
Answer-64: boiling point
Question-65. The sphere that prevent the ultraviolet rays from sun is known as
Answer-65: atmosphere
Question-66. The state that fills the volume of its container is
Answer-66: gas
Question-67. There is no boundary between atmosphere and space, so the density of atmosphere decreases with
Answer-67: increasing altitude
Question-68. To perform fractional distillation of air, it must be liquefied and then purified to remove
Answer-68: dust
Question-69. Water vapor is less dense than
Answer-69: air
Question-70. When a gas is cooled or compressed it becomes a
Answer-70: liquid
Question-71. When methane is combusted with oxygen, the products produced are
Answer-71: carbon dioxide & water
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on Air and Atmosphere
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