Frequently asked questions and answers of A Game of Chance in Class 6 English Honeysuckle Prose of NCERT CBSE to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best A Game of Chance Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download A Game of Chance FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. Why was a fair organised in Rasheed?s village?
Answer-1: The fair in Rasheed?s village was organized on the occasion of Eid.
Question-2. Who all went to the fair?
Answer-2: Rasheed, his uncle, and a boy who worked at their house went to the fair.
Question-3. What things did Rasheed saw at the fair?
Answer-3: Rasheed noticed that the fair had a lot of shops, rides, enormous wheels, and traders selling their wares.
Question-4. Where did Rasheed?s uncle go?
Answer-4: Rasheed?s uncle saw some of his friends. He went to them to have some chit-chat with them.
Question-5. Name the poet of the Vocation
Answer-5: The poet who wrote of the ?Vocation? was Rabindranath Tagore.
Question-6. On what occasion was the fair held?
Answer-6: Eid
Question-7. Who met Uncle in the fair?
Answer-7: His friends
Question-8. What was Rashid told not to do?
Answer-8: To buy anything
Question-9. On what occasion was the fair held in village?
Answer-9: Eid
Question-10. For how many days was the Eid celebrated?
Answer-10: One day
Question-11. Who came from far and wide to sell their goods?
Answer-11: Tradesmen
Question-12. Give the opposite of sell
Answer-12: buy
Frequently Asked Question and Answer on A Game of Chance
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A Game of Chance Questions with Answers
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