Frequently asked questions and answers of 555 Timer IC in Analog Electronics of Electronics Engineering to enhance your skills, knowledge on the selected topic. We have compiled the best 555 Timer IC Interview question and answer, trivia quiz, mcq questions, viva question, quizzes to prepare. Download 555 Timer IC FAQs in PDF form online for academic course, jobs preparations and for certification exams .
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Question-1. What is a 555 IC?
Answer-1: The 555 IC is a highly stable device that can be used for generating accurate time delays or oscillations. The 555 timer is an integrated circuit specifically designed to perform signal generation and timing functions. The mode of operations and desired outputs can be obtained by different circuits using external resistors and capacitors.
Question-2. What is the applications of 555 Timer?
Answer-2: 555 Timer is used in: Astable multivibrators, Monostable multivibrator, Missing pulse detector, Linear ramp generator, Frequency divider, Pulse width modulation, FSK generator, Pulse position modulator, Schmitt trigger etc
Question-3. List the applications of 555 timers in monostable mode of operation?
Answer-3: In monostable mode of operation, 555 timer is used in missing pulse detector, Linear ramp generator, Frequency divider and Pulse width modulation.
Question-4. List the applications of 555 timers in Astable mode of operation?
Answer-4: In monostable mode of operation, 555 timer is used in FSK generator and Pulse-position modulator.
Question-5. List the basic blocks of IC 555 timers?
Answer-5: The basic blocks which constitutes 555 Timer IC are a relaxation oscillator, RS flip flop, Two comparator and Discharge transistor.
Question-6. List the features of 555 Timer?
Answer-6: 555 Timer has two basic operating modes: monostable and astable. It is available in three packages. 8 pin metals can, 8 pin dip, 14 pin dip. It has very high temperature stability.
Question-7. What is a 7555 IC?
Answer-7: It is the CMOS version of the IC 555.
Question-8. Write the formula to calculate the time period of the astable and monostable multivibrator?
Astable multivibrator time period, T = 0.69 * (RA + 2RB) * C
Monostable multivibrator, T = 1.1 * R * C.
Question-9. What are astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators?
Answer-9: An astable multivibrator is a multivibrator which has no stable states.
Monostable multivibrator is a one-shot multivibrator which has one stable state.
Bistable multivibrator is a multivibrator which has two stable states, that is both the states are stable.
Question-10. Define duty cycle?
Answer-10: The ratio of high output and low output period is given by a mathematical parameter called duty cycle. It is defined as the ratio of ON Time to total time.
Question-11. Define VCO?
Answer-11: A voltage controlled oscillator is an oscillator circuit in which the frequency of oscillations can be controlled by an externally applied voltage.
Question-12. Why the Reset pin of ic 555 is normally connected to Vcc?
Answer-12: The Reset pin of the 555 is an active-low input, that is the IC resets when this input is connected to low state. So in a normal condition, it is connected to the +Ve terminal of the supply which always maintains a high state at the input.
Question-13. Why the control voltage pin (pin 5) of 555 timers is connected to ground through a 0.01?f capacitor?
Answer-13: The threshold and triggering voltages can be overridden by adjusting the voltage at the control pin. So as to eliminate noise, fluctuations control pin is connected to ground through a 0.01?F bypass capacitor.
Question-14. List the features of 566 VCO?
Answer-14: It has a Wide supply voltage range (10-24V). It very linear modulation characteristics and has high temperature stability.
Question-15. What does u mean by PLL?
Answer-15: A PLL is a basically a closed loop system designed to lock output frequency and Phase to the frequency and phase of an input signal.
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